Tuesday 4 November 2014

My Smart Goal

My Smart Goals =D

SPECIFIC: I want to become a pharmacyst, a good and excellent contributor in medical field, ready to help out the wanted, ready to give advice to my patient , ready to show my caring to them.
I swear i should be a responsible pharmacyst
  • cure of a disease;
  • elimination or reduction of symptoms;
  • arresting or slowing a disease process;
  • prevention of disease;
  • diagnosis of disease; and
  • desired alterations in physiological processes, all with minimum risk to patients.
MEASURABLE: I want to achieve 4A* in my Cambridge A-Level studies. I should show my hardwork in order to complete this task. If i get flying colors results, maybe i can further my pharmacy studies in my dream college, Monash University in Australia. i can obtain different experiences on medical research at different countries.

ASSIGNABLE: I should end my Cambridge A-Level studies by 1.5 years. In this 1.5 years, i shoud spend time in a proper and beneficial way without wasting too much time. I should also take every semester exam as an important challenge for me to improve my studies. 

REALISTIC: I will spend my time on doing hospital attachment in clinic or hospital whenever i am free to gain more experience about how pharmacist's job actually. I will listen to the advice of some doctor and pharmacyst. I always ready to improve myself and by eliminating all my weakness. I want to perform well in the pharmacy field.

TIME-BASED: I will graduate from Cambridge A-Level by 1.5 years and achieve my flying colors 4A* goals as well as achieve the enrolment into Monash Unversity Australlia. I will try my best for this one and a half years!=D


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