Tuesday 18 November 2014



My strength:
  • Proper arrangement and management of my studies.
  • Good in time management without wasting time.
  • My interest in Chemistry ad Mathematics are very impressive.
  • Hardworking in looking for other useful resources of my studies.
  • Ready to learn and ready to help others.
  • Use my brain smartly without torturing it. Hahahaha=D
  • Well-talented in calculation.
My weakness:
  • Weak in memorising. Memorise hater.
  • Weak in Physics.
  • Easily being attracted by other enthuatistic games or movies even exam is just around the corner.
  • Daydreaming always.
  • Always feel sleepy even sleep enough 8 hours.
  • Weak in absorption of the knowledge fast, need to study twice times above to memorise it. 
My opportunities: 
University of my choice:
  1. Monash Universities Australlia.
  2. University Sydney Australlia.
  3. National University Singapore.
To be successfully enrol into these university, i have to look for Taylor's College counsellor to provide more information for me to take into consideration.

Taylor Placement Centre is a good visitation place.

Do more hospital attachment to improve my knowledge about the field i will enter in the successive years. As an example, Pharmacy field.

My threats:
  • Too much competition in order to enter the university.
  • Perserverance is a threats for me. (NOT enough hardwork)
  • Interview for entering the university fails.
  • Competitor that is very competitive competitive competitive!!

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