Wednesday 5 November 2014


Taylor Graduate Capabilities.

The teaching and learning approach at Taylor’s College is focused on developing the Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) in its students; capabilities that encompass the knowledge, cognitive capabilities and soft skills of our graduates. The TGC gives students the edge to start and stay ahead. The TGC ensure that Taylor’s graduates are capable in the following areas:


I am quite understanding about the theory and field that i had learnt in my subject area, Biology, Chemistry, Physic and Mathematics. I am sure i have a better understanding for Chemistry and Mathematics.

: I am the type of person who will learn autonomously, i am able to acquire knowledge and manage the information properly. However, i think i am not very familiar by appliying theory to practical like the experiment in college. I think i need to improve my performance in practical skills. I will think critically in order to look for some effective ways to solve the problem. I am able to analyse problem comprehensively and i will try to improve it to a more master level of analyzing problem=D
Communication Skills: I think my speaking and writing skills still need to improve somehow. I think it is not strong enough. For organise, synthesize and present information properly, i think i am quite good but i think i still need to improve it.

Interpersonal skills: I feel well and comfortable when i work in a team with friends. I will like to share idea and listen to the others ideas. I enjoy the teamwork and appreciate this learning process very much. I enjoy having leadership skills too.

Intrapersonal skills: I managed my time very well. I felt guilty that wasting my time by doing nothing , so i won't allow myself to waste time especially in Cambridge A- Level. I felt that i am more independent in revision, i like to search the information at web rather than asking for teacher whenever i am not understanding about the academic. However, when i am still not understanding about it, i will ask teacher for help. I will spend time for exercise every week, i managed my time in a proper way i think.

Cosmopolitan thinking and intercultural competence: I will form opinions and views from a global perspective without constrict in a certain field. I have also awareness of and sensitivity of the cross-cultural difference. I always show my respect and concern to other different culture.

Technology savvy: I think i am weak in keyboarding so i need a much more improvement because i know that it is a very important skills as we continued our path in the successive years. I think i am not expert in using ICT  and other technologies. I hope i can have a sharp improvement at the following years.


1. I must do my revision everyday in order to get a flying colors results that are 4A* in my studies. Anything that i am not understanding well, i must get help from friends and teachers.
2. Search for information on the website to gain extra knowledge about the subject that you learnt.
3.I can practise speaking with friends with english language in order to speak more fluently with english. For writing, i shall reading more books in order to imrove my writing skills. 
4. For IT and computer technologies, i shall spend time on keyboarding in order to be competent in this field. Everything with technologies are very vital in life, i shall spend more time on this.
5. Be more punctual and seem time management as a very imporatant skills.
6.Be discipline and respect among others.
7.Ready to learn.


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